• Dilsiz Anıtlar
    Melih Emre Acar, Arş. Gör., Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümü


Mimarlık 379. September-October 2014


Can the Fragmentation and Uncertainty in the Current Planning Approach be Solved with one Regulation? / M. Remzi Sönmez

The Planning and Zoning Law, applicable since 1985, is known to remain insufficient in providing solutions related to the problems of planning, zoning and building, thus failing to answer the expectations of the society. The need for a novel approach to the planning system has been an ongoing debate in professional platforms and on the agenda for years. The author evaluating on the novelties and changes introduced with the new regulation, assesses negative and positive aspects of the new regulation.


My True Friend Mehmet Adam / Ersin Arısoy

We have lost an inspiring man, Mehmet Adam, who was a member of Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch, a member of Chamber of Architects Central Executive Board, alongside his active roles in publication committees, the author of “Housing Areas for Alternating Regeneration Processes”, and a former instructor in METU. Ersin Arısoy, a close friend since school days, wrote a commemoration for Mehmet Adam, whom he calls his true friend.


UNESCO World Heritage List and Turkey / Neslihan Dostoğlu

UNESCO World Heritage List, established to stress the need for the preservation of cultural and natural assets, emphasises the fact that these values are not only in the possession of the countries they belong to, but shared by all the nations of the world. Following the joining of Bursa and Bergama to the list during the UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting held recently, the number of registered assets in Turkey has risen to 13. The author evaluating on the subject, comments on the position of Turkey in the list since the establishment of UNESCO.


World Architecture Congress was Held in Durban under the Theme “Architecture Otherwhere/ Edited by: Özge Şahin

The last UIA World Architecture Congresses was held in Durban, South Africa, under the theme “Architecture Otherwhere”, between the dates 3-7 August 2014. The congress, which was visited nearly by 5 thousand architects and students, housed various keynote speeches, sessions with special themes and paper presentations. Parallel to the congress various exhibitions were held at numerous points in the city and also in the congress field. Following the congress in the UIA General Assembly, Prof. Dr. Deniz İncedayı, who was nominated by the Chamber of Architects was re-elected as the deputy president of the UIA 2nd Region. The next UIA congress, UIA 2017, will be held in Seoul, Korea, in 2-9 July 2017, under the theme “Soul of City” and it will be followed by UIA 2020 Congress, which will be organised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 20-23 July 2020, under the theme “All the Worlds. Just one World. Architecture 21”.


The Place of Winds Smelling Olives: Tirilye / Melda Aydan

Tirilye, located in Bursa-Mudanya region, displays significant examples of Byzantium-Greek architecture with its housing fabric and churches. With its houses, mostly build with timber and mud brick and its churches and monasteries that are either abandoned or reused for different functions, the place still preserves its historical fabric and greets its guests with its olive groves and sea.


Sancaklar Mosque: Cognition and Resignation / Özlem Erdoğdu Erkarslan

Sancaklar Mosque, designed by EAA, and awarded in “Building Category” of 2014 National Architecture Awards, due to the architectural language and structure, which is dissociated from formal and symbolic references in its search for getting away from usual mosque typology, and the original conceptual relations set between the spatial characteristics and worship ritual. The author evaluating on the building, which is often criticised not only by the architectural community, but also by the society for “challenging” the traditional mosque image, focuses on as to whether it realises its promises, rather than how it meets the expectations.


Creative Integration of Education and Professional Practice: “Design-Build-Learn” / Umut Tuğlu Karslı

Many models are getting developed in architecture schools where design and implementation processes should be regarded in a holistic manner, rather than treated as separate issues, remaining the experience of implementation limited to summer practices. Among these models there are “Design&Do”, “Learn with Constructing” and “Hands-on Learning”. Authors evaluating on these models, present different experiences achieved with these models applied in various architecture schools.


Expo 2016 Antalya Expo Tower

The competition initiated with an aim to achieve proposals for the design of a Tower for EXPO 2016 Antalya developed in relation to the overall schemes presented in the existing master plan, contributing to cultural, artistic, scientific, technological and environmental values, and advertises both Turkey and Antalya with innovative solutions it provides. Announced by the EXPO 2016 Antalya Agency as a national and single staged competition also aimed to promote and contribute visual arts, and create a platform for the development of architectural planning ideas and strategies that can compete at international level. Among 52 projects evaluated in the competition 3 awards, 5 mention and 2 purchase awards were distributed.

New Service Building for Adana Board of Trade

Adana Board of Trade New Service Building competition, announced with an aim to achieve proposals, which can resist time, have perpetual values, reflect its era, carry the potentials to generate symbolic values, and present sustainable, economic, rational and genuine solutions. The competition announced as national and single staged, is opened by Adana Board of Trade, aims to lead attaining projects for the city through national competitions; to contribute to the development of architectural design quality; to bring out genuine architectural values particular for the city; to contribute to the development of an architectural understanding that is sensitive to the natural, ecological and social life, sustainable, accessible and can be a reference to its environment; and finally to add value to the transformation process of the region. The projects are evaluated for their success in proposing office spaces that are not only innovative but also flexible for future spatial requirements of the building. Among 132 projects evaluated, 3 awards, 5 mention and 5 purchase awards were distributed.

Roboski Museum and Memorial

Roboski Museum and Memorial Design Competition, organised by the Roboski Museum initiative, established with cooperation of different parties, in the light of the demands from local families for a building on “memory, confrontation and solidarity” as the reminder of the events that took place in Roboski village, located in Şırnak’s Uludere region, on 28th December 2011. The two-staged national competition aimed to achieve projects, which will take into consideration the limited financial potentials and collaboration of volunteer labour in the realisation of the project; will develop on a low budget construction cost and propose convenient implementation strategies in the design process; and beyond the expected spatial requirements, will meet the intense emotional expectations in proposing spatial relations through the corresponding layers of meaning, as is the primary “function” of Roboski Museum. In the first stage of the competition, 5 projects, out of 25, were selected to continue to the second stage. Following the workshop at the second stage the winning project was selected and the 4 other projects were given equivalent achievement awards.


Rejuvenation of Historical City Centres as Pedestrian Areas: A German Example, Koblenz/ Soner Şahin, Dilek Darby

Opening urban space to the use of pedestrians are among the leading projects and arrangements that aim for the rejuvenation of the historical city, making it a part of daily experience of the citizens. The authors commenting on one of Germany's middle sized city Koblenz's “City on Foot” project, evaluate on the process of the project, which was developed with respect to pedestrians' patterns of using urban space, and with specific concern to the collaboration of users.


Collaboration Problems in Architectural Design Processes and Approaches

/ Ferhat Hacıalibeyoğlu

Today the often mentioned term “collaboration” and the subject of the action “collaborator” in the field of planning, from the scale of urban planning to the scale of industrial design is / should be included to design processes. The author underlines the approach of “designing in collaboration with the user” by focusing on the communication of architect-user and displays the strategies of including the concept of collaboration to design processes by using the communication tools and representation techniques specific to architecture.


Pop-Up Space: Design and Beyond / Özge Cordan, Esra Karagöz

The temporary pop-up spaces, which “emerge at an unexpected moment” and designed to communicate with onlookers and provide lasting experience, causes the evolving of store spaces into another dimension. The author, by discussing design examples from Turkey and from the world with distinct features, stresses that this approach can be regarded as a pioneering communication tool due to its character, which creates a new perception of reality and adapts to rapid changes proper to the spirit of the day.


A Design Proposal for Application of Colour on the Façades of Building Settlements/ Esra Küçükkılıç Özcan, Rengin Ünver

While in the early settlements of human history, “colouring” of the buildings with natural materials was not an issue, today most of the buildings with distinct colours try to accentuate their call outs as “Here I am!” Actors like architects, users, employers determine the colour of our cities with their decisions often given at the scale of a single building without any restrictions or planning strategies at larger scale. The author asserts the solution for achieving a conscious and systematic design attitude to the colouring of the urban facades, through addressing the issue from diverse urban scales, like street, city square, and region rather than from the scale of a single building.


Elegant Aging Building of Söke / Bülend Tuna

The term elegant, as an adjective, which is defined in TDK (Turkish Language Association) as “something that is graceful and attractive in appearance, form and behaviour” is used by the author in defining buildings that can be discernible in the urban fabric, still preserving their identity in Söke.


An Approach towards Natural Ventilation in the Scope of Regenerative Design / Polat Darçın

Our obligation to eliminate the damage given to nature by developing technologies leads to discovering innovative design ideas. Natural ventilation gains importance, in an environment, where negative effects of climatization, as a building technology, due to energy consumption were being discussed frequently. The author offers a method on what needs to be done to transform existing ventilation systems to eco-friendly systems.


Perception of the City and the Village: Arkitekt (1930s) / Neşe Gurallar

Industrialisation followed by rapid growth has created a huge gap between the village and the city. The shift from the village culture, representing agricultural production to city culture, representing industrial production, was regarded as a “step to be taken”. The author discussing this fast-changing perception of the city and the village through one of the first and most important professional publication, Arkitekt, tries to unfold different attitudes by providing a reading on published articles in the magazine. She declares that while the peasantist policies of the ruling government, intimidated from oppositions, gradually dominate the magazine, liberal voices gradually decrease leaving way to an attitude towards emphasising villages in time.


Silent Monuments / Melih Emre Acar

On August 5th, 2014, for the memory of 100th anniversary of England’s participation to World War I, an installation was started around the Tower of London, where the troops were gathered and trained during the war, that involved placing of a ceramic flower for each solider, fought and died in the war. The installation is named as “Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” and on the occasion of this work, an approach that is based on designing artefacts for inscribing, once again, the events to collective memory or preserving the memories of destructive events for everyone or for a portion of the society, is brought to the agenda. Projects like Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, are important not only by means of their scale and location, but also by their adopted language proper to the monuments of the 21st century, which anticipate only to remind, rather than triggering hostility and provocation through constant accentuation.

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