Mimarlık. 430 | March-April 2023
Second Century, Elections and Earthquakes / Mustafa Sönmez
The 2023 elections, the local elections to be held in 2024, once again open windows of opportunity for Turkey. The author draws attention to the fact that the main agenda of the people, who have accumulated enough lessons about what not to do at a painful price, should be "what to do right now".
Where Are Housing Prices Heading in Turkey? / Leyla Alkan Gokler
In addition to the economic crises it has experienced in recent years, Turkey is also struggling with high housing prices. In addition to negative indicators such as high inflation, high housing interest rates, and increasing unemployment, the author states that the rapid increase in housing prices despite unusual housing price increases points to various problems, discusses the main reasons behind the increasing demand for housing.
2023 Pritzker Prize Winner: David Chipperfield / Burcu Kaplan
An African architect received the Pritzker award for the first time this year. Selective juries from past to present commenting on his journey, the author is the "architect, educator and social activist", the address of this year's award. It examines Kéré's architecture "for and belonging to communities".
Thoughts on the Future of Cultural Heritage after Earthquakes / Zeynep Ahunbay
Thinking of Cultural Heritage with the Destruction of the Earthquake / Koray Güler
An Overview of the Effects of Earthquakes on Our Cultural Heritage / Nezih Başgelen
On the Problem of Emergency and Temporary Housing and Permanent Housing: Disaster, Shelter, Memory and Beyond! / Ali Tolga Özden, Melda Açmaz Özden
An Example of an Earthquake from the History of Modern Architecture / Haluk Zelef
Thinking About Normalizing After Disaster / İkbal Erbaş
A Framework Proposal for Modeling Earthquake Induced Disaster Risk in GIS Environment with Resilient Urban Approach / Serkan Kemeç, H. Şebnem Düzgün
The destruction caused by the February 6 earthquakes has painfully revealed the structural and ecological destruction caused by the transformation in urban policies and the consequent forms of housing and rent-oriented growth. With the increase in uncontrolled and uncontrolled construction, our country is now experiencing losses due to natural events frequently. It is of critical importance that the determination of earthquake risk and other possible natural and man-made risks are made quickly, and that the studies are designed to reduce these risks and to take into account the principles required by avoidance measures. Ignoring the zoning plans for new residential areas threatens both the safety and durability of the buildings and the security of environmental and historical textures. On the other hand, as evidenced by the floods and drought data in the region, the decisions taken regarding ecological resources now require much more care than before. The dimensions of the disaster we are experiencing are huge, the problems we face are multidimensional. The platform of discussion, on the other hand, needs to be built on solutions that can face earthquakes and have their feet on the ground.
Based on this framework, Zeynep Ahunbay, who draws attention to the importance of carrying out conservation practices according to international standards in order to transfer our cultural heritage to the future after the earthquake, emphasizes that post-earthquake urban protection / tissue can only be restored through conscious and coordinated works. Discussing the leading questions about the disruptions in the preservation processes of cultural heritage, Koray Güler conveys the first impressions of the cultural heritage that was heavily damaged by the earthquake. Nezih Başgelen draws attention to the fact that the wreckage of the destroyed or partially damaged historical artifacts is kept in their own parcels until the necessary documentation is made. Ali Tolga Özden, Melda Açmaz Özden, who draws attention to the necessity of evaluating temporary and permanent housing processes together and developing a holistic approach in the post-emergency shelter processes, emphasizes the studies on sheltering during the emergency response period of the disaster. M. Haluk Zelef, on the other hand, focuses on an example from Japan, from which we can draw inferences from what we experience today, due to interesting similarities, although it may seem distant in terms of time and geography. İkbal Erbaş sheds some light on what happened through the questions of who shape the city and what it normalizes. Serkan Kemeç, H. Şebnem Düzgün, while mapping elements at risk in an urban environment, points out that 3D visualization has great potential to be an effective tool for visual risk communication at every stage of the disaster management decision-making process.
Accumulations in Türkiye's Urbanization and Planning Practice / İclal Dinçer
429. In the second article of the section we started with the January-February 2023 issue, The author, who draws the focus to urbanization policies, says, “A founding restoration to the new century of the Republic. It emphasizes the vital dimension of “entering by making damage assessment”.
Heritage Values of Antakya's Cultural Components / Mert Nezih Rifaioğlu
In this chapter of Cultural Heritage in Danger, a section initiated in our 405th issue, we will discuss Antakya with Mert Nezih Rifaioğlu's narration.
Pioneer Conservation Struggle in Hasanpaşa: Museum Gazhane / A. Binnur Kıraç
Hasanpaşa Gazhanesi / Museum Gazhane “One of the interesting subjects of architecture is how to preserve and evaluate the examples that are considered as cultural assets and industrial heritage among the industrial areas that have become out of use with the development of production technologies. In our country, urbanization policies, rent pressure and value judgments about historical environments threaten these areas. Successfully transforming the Hasanpaşa Gazhanesi, which was completely abandoned after the end of production a long time ago, into the Museum Gazhane, which hosts cultural and artistic events; It was deemed worthy of the "Building / Conservation Branch Award" at the 2022 National Architecture Awards, for the fact that the volunteer residents of the neighborhood brought the resilient conservation struggle over the years to a happy conclusion and sheds a light of hope for similar historical areas that are under threat.
A New Expansion in İzmir: Zone Trade Center / İpek Akpınar, Aysu Gürman
Evaluating the Zone Trade Center, which was a "Structural Category Award Candidate" at the 2022 National Architecture Awards, the authors stated that the building "with its innovative approach, is a valuable part of the innovative transformation targeted in İzmir, not only in the area where the center is located, but also in its immediate vicinity. He emphasizes that he has the power to be a part of it.
Architecture for Democracy: Recognizing Hans Scharoun / Bedizhan Başkan, Neşe Gurallar
While constructing a unique architectural approach, an architectural practice in search of democracy The writers, who focus on Scharoun, aiming to produce
“The task of the history and criticism of architecture is not to be limited to the interpretation of form only, and to ensure that their contributions to democracy are seen and recorded”.
A Contemporary Scene on the Coastline / Shelter: Acoustic Shells / Şeyma Seyrek
Located in the West Sussex region of the United Kingdom, the Littlehampton coastline is transforming into a destination where contemporary architecture coexists with East Beach Cafe designed by Thomas Heatherwick in 2007 and various designs following it in the same lane.
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